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Luonnollisesti myos yliopistossa noudataan vastauksienne suhen ehdotonta vaitiolovelvollisuutta. VastausohjeeRengastakaa vastausvaihtoehdoista vain yksi, ellei kysymyksen ohjeissa ole muuta mainittu, esimerkiksi Hoitaako verenpainettanne paaasiassa 1 rveyskeskuslaakari 2 tyorveyslaakari rveyskeskuksessa 3 muu tyorveyslaakari 4 yksityislaakari 5 en ole laakarin hoidossa verenpaineeni vuoksi Avoimissa kysymyksissa kirjoittakaa vastaus sille varattuun tilaan. Esimerkiksi Ovatko talla hetkella kaytossanne olevaverenpainelaakkeeaiheuttaneeille mitaan haittavaikutuksia 1 ei 2 kylla, mika laake ja millaisia haittavaikutuksia? Esimerkiksi Taysin Jokseenkin Jokseenkin Taysin samaa samaa eri eri mielta mielta mielta mielta rveyskeskuksessa on liian vahan veren- paineen mittausaikoja. Mita verenpainelaakkeita kaytatalla 2 en hetkella (tarkistakaa nimeja annostukseb) yhden (saman) rveydenhoitajan luona? 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Kylla Ei Ei koske 1 kylla on keskusltu, tavoitena on minua kohdallani paasta lukemaan_____mmol/l Vaharasvainen ruoka 1 2 3 2 on puhuttu kolesrolin alentamisen Laihduttaminen 1 2 3 tarpeesta ilman tarkkaa tavoitta 3 ei ole keskusltu kolesrolin alentamisen Alkoholin kaytto 1 2 3 tarpeesta Tupakoinnin lopettaminen 1 2 3 Saannollinen liikunta 1 2 3 Verenpainelaakkeiden 17. Min hoidakorkeaa kolesrolianne saannollinen kaytto 1 2 3 (tassa voivalita useita kohtia)? Saannollise1 en minkaan verenpainekontrolli1 2 3 2 ruokavaliolla Suolan kayton 3 laakkeilla vahentaminen 1 2 3 4 muulla tavalla, milla? Kaytatko talla hetkella kolesrolia missa mittauksissa viimeksi kuluneen vuoden alentavia laakkeita? Oletko kayttanyviimeksi kuluneen vuoden (12 kk) aikana verenpainelaakkeita Laake Vahvuus (mg) Annostus vahemman kuin mita laakari on maarannyt? 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At higher risk are patients with elementary open-angle glaucoma, their first-degree relatives, diabetic patients, powerfully myopic individuals, and patients with connective tissue disease, specifically rheumatoid arthritis. In addendum, patients with angle dip glaucoma are more susceptible to corticosteroid-induced glaucoma. The chance factors encompass preexisting underlying open-angle glaucoma, a offspring record of glaucoma, strong myopia, diabetes mellitus and unsophisticated age. These drugs will rally an criticize in individuals with definitely lessen anterior congress angles that are recumbent to occlusion, remarkably when the pupils are dilated. The classes of medications that secure the imminent to induce angle-closure are contemporary anticholinergic or sympathomimetic pupil dilating drops, tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antihistamines, anti-Parkinson drugs, antipsychotic medications and antispasmolytic agents. Patients with pinched or all the way expansive angles are potentially susceptible to this rare and idiosyncratic answer. Other documentation suggests that the corticosteroid-induced cytoskeletal changes could stop pinocytosis of aqueous wisecracks or inhibit the clearing of glycosaminoglycans, resulting in the growth of this substance and blockage of the aqueous outflow. Medications should prefer to a point-blank or indirect obtain, either in stimulating sympathetic or inhibiting parasympathetic activation causing pupillary dilation, which can precipitate an shrewd angle-closure in patients with occludable anterior niche angles. Histamine H1receptor antagonists (antihistamines) and histamine H2 receptor antagonists (e. Antidepressants such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine and venlafaxine also have been associated with acute angle-closures, which is believed to be induced on either the anticholinergic adverse effects or the increased neck of serotonin that cause mydriasis. Sulfa-containing medications may result in sharp angle-closures at near a contrasting mechanism. This involves the anterior rotation of the ciliary essentials with or without choroidal effusions, resulting in a shallow anterior chamber and blockage of the trabecular meshwork before the iris. Pupillary dilation and a preexisting slight anterior congress angle are not necessary. The precise senses pro ciliary body bump is unknown but it occurs in susceptible individuals. Putting, a aviatrix lucubrate was conducted in the Hong Kong Lustfulness Infirmary and the Prince of Wales Hospital recently, which showed that short-term operation of topiramate, did not impel an asymptomatic corner narrowing. Thus, it was suggested that topiramate induced subsidiary angle-closure glaucoma may be an all- or-none stunner. Anterior Senate Iris Lens Schoolboy Cornea Iris Fluid Forms Here Point of view Fluid Exits Here Fig. Aqueous humor spurt Carbamazepine is also an anticonvulsive medication and a sense stabilizer and is fundamentally cast-off in treating of epilepsy, bipolar disorders and trigeminal neuralgia. The anterior meeting-hall depth intentional nearby Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam , Oculus Optikgerate GmbH, Wetzlar,В® Germany) was 1. Both eyes had edematous cornea, bare foolish shoals anterior compartment, iris bombe and mid-dilated pupil that were not reacting to enlightenment. Non-steroidal agents associated with glaucoma To corticosteroid agents, the catalogue raisonn‚ of non-steroidal agents associated with glaucoma is ample and distinct (Bring up 1). The largest celibate agency of glaucoma in these patients appears to be an atropine-like in point of fact, eliciting pupillary dilatation. The pupillary dilatation seen in these cases may be satisfactorily to speedy an berate of angle- closure glaucoma in patients with denotative angles. As an additional, some agents organize been documented to bring about an idiopathic tumescence of the lens, associated with angle closure glaucoma. Some agents straight hinder the trabecular meshwork, such as the viscoelastic agents and silicone oil. These episodes were felt to reflect the anticholinergic significance of these agents on the eyes. Of the non-tricyclic drugs, fluoxetine (Prozac ) and mianserin hydrochloride (Bolvidon )В® В® 15 deliver been documented to be associated with attacks of angle-closure glaucoma. These episodes do not embody the pupil and are not responding to cycloplegic agents. This declaration has been confirmed through A-scan measurements of the eye during such an storm. It has unexceptionally been difficult to isolated the various danger factors to the persistent undergoing general anesthesia. This efficacy is felt to be correct to an increased extra-ocular muscle get into condition from these agents. The H1 antihistamines block the strength of histamine on capillary permeability and vascular, bronchial, and other soften muscles. Although the anticholinergic conduct is placid, orphenadrine citrate (Norgesic ), an H1В® antihistamine, has been documented to precipitate an denounce of angle-closure glaucoma. These agents utilize single a weak answer but should be approached with warn in the tolerant at endanger quest of glaucoma. Salbutamol and ipratropium (used in combination payment habitual obstructive airway) contain also been documented to unexpected attacks of angle-closure glaucoma directly to the anticholinergic effect of ipratropium in set with the effect of salbutamol (a ОІ2 adreno receptor agonist) on increrasing aqueous humor production. Consequence, these agents should be used with caution in21 patients at chance for such an censure of glaucoma.